Monday, January 21, 2013

Harga emas dijangka cecah AS$1,800 auns


quick info

1 troy ounce = 31.1034768 grams  *troy ounce adalah kiraan untuk berat emas. biasanya disebut "ounce" sahaja
Harga pada 20 Januari 2013 (AS1689.50 per ounce)

KUALA LUMPUR: Spekulasi bahawa kerajaan India mungkin meningkatkan duti import ke atas emas kepada enam peratus tahun ini, dijangka mendorong permintaan untuk komoditi itu.

Persekutuan Persatuan Perniagaan Emas dan Permata Malaysia, Ermin D.M. Siow, berkata harga emas semasa adalah di antara US$1,650 satu auns dan boleh mencecah US$1,800 satu auns hari ini.

"Sungguhpun ia sedikit rendah daripada harga pada 2011, yang melihat harga emas mencecah US$1,920 satu auns, ia masih stabil dan dijangka meningkat lebih tinggi," katanya kepada Bernama dalam satu temu ramah.

Beliau menjangka harga emas akan mula meningkat menjelang akhir Februari atau awal Mac.

"Terdapat pelbagai punca kepada perkara ini. Salah satunya ialah pelabur akan meningkatkan simpanan mereka untuk mengambil peluang daripada harga yang rendah, sebelum kerajaan India membuat apa-apa pengumuman mengenai duti import.

"Memandangkan Hari Raya Cina akan disambut pada Februari, ramai peniaga akan mula membeli untuk meningkatkan inventori mereka yang akan mendorong permintaan fizikal untuk emas," katanya.

Siow berkata selain membeli barangan kemas, pembeli juga membeli komoditi itu sebagai alat pelaburan.
"Dengan ketidaktentuan dalam ekonomi global dan langkah oleh Bank Pusat untuk mengekalkan kadar faedah yang rendah, orang ramai tidak lagi menyimpan duit mereka di bank.

"Mereka mula membeli emas sebagai pelaburan kerana peningkatannya baru-baru ini dan ia adalah cara yang paling selamat untuk mengelak inflasi," katanya.

Siow, yang juga pengarah eksekutif Poh Kong Holdings Bhd, berkata emas untuk pelaburan menguasai hampir 40 peratus daripada permintaan dunia, berbanding kurang 20 peratus pada awal 2000.

Mengenai kedudukan Poh Kong, beliau berkata peratusan pembeli yang mahu melabur berbanding memilih barangan kemas, telah meningkat sedikit.

Oleh itu, beliau berkata Poh Kong juga menawarkan pelaburan dalam bentuk kepingan emas, bermula daripada satu gram hingga satu kilogram.

Ditanya tentang perbezaan antara pelaburan emas menerusi peniaga emas dan menerusi bank, Siow berkata dari segi harga, bank mungkin memberi harga yang lebih berdaya saing.

"Tetapi terdapat had dalam pembelian tunai dan waktu perniagaan juga terbatas.
"Perniagaan emas seperti kami dibuka setiap hari sehingga 10 malam dan kami menawarkan skim pembayaran mudah. Ia juga adalah lebih mudah bagi pembeli untuk menjual semula kepada kami berbanding kepada bank," katanya. - BERNAMA

Monday, January 7, 2013

Fakta menarik tentang perak

  • Silver has been coined to use as money since 700 BC.

  • The term 'sterling silver' in reference to the grade .925 silver emerged in England in the 13th century.

  • In ancient Egypt and Medieval Europe, silver was often more valuable than gold.

  • Words for silver and money are the same in at least fourteen languages.

  • Most mirrors are backed with aluminum. For a superior quality finish, silver is used because of its high quality reflectivity.
  • In 2003, the UK minted half a million ounces of silver into coins and medals.Silver bearings are used in jet engines because they provide superior performance.

  • Silver is used in long life batteries. Billions of silver oxide-zinc batteries are in use everyday powering everything from quartz watches to digital cameras.

  • Silver possesses, it's working qualities similar to gold but can achieve the most brilliant polish of any metal. To make it durable for jewelry, however, pure silver (999 fineness) is often alloyed with small quantities of copper. In many countries, Sterling Silver (92.5% silver, 7.5% copper) is the standard for Jewelry and has been since the 14th century.

  • The copper toughens the silver and makes it possible to use silver 925 for decorative and fashionable jewelry.

  • Throughout the ages, silver jewelry has been associated with magical powers; believed to promote healing, bring good luck and for warding off evil spirits to the wearer.While these beliefs are not part of mainstream thinking today, some people still hold them true.

  • Silver has always been held in high esteem and displayed as a status symbol since it was mined approx. 4,000 BC in Asia Minor.

  • By the 18th century, things began to change in Europe and a new fashion fad surfaced: silver buckles appeared on shoes where laces had always been. Although today we generally consider shoe buckles to be functional items, back in the 1700's, they were a form of jewelry.

  • Silver jewelry was a significant indicator of status until the very end of the 18th century, because it was limited to a privileged few. It was the Industrial Revolution, through mass manufacturing, which finally made jewelry available to the general population.

  • Silver's melting point is 1761 degrees F or 960 degrees C

  • Silver is being put into paper used in medical professions because of its antibiotic-like characteristics.

  • Silver is a dental alloy and used to be used in cavity fillings. Now dentists have clear fillings that do not contain silver.

  • Silver can be eaten, although it is not advised.
  • The name silver came from the old english word seolfor.

  • In India, food can be found decorated with a thin layer of silver, known as Varak.

  • The crystal structure of silver is cubic.

  • Silver is harder than gold, but softer than copper.

  • Man learned to separate silver from lead as early as 3,000 B.C. Silver has been mined and prized for its beauty and durability for at least 6,000 years.

  • Silver has superior bactericidal qualities. Small concentrations of silver orsilver salts kill bacteria by chemically affecting the cell membranes, causing them to break down. Bacteria do not develop resistance to silver, as they do to many antibiotics. 
credit to :

Friday, January 4, 2013

10 fakta tentang emas

Gold is a precious metal, high value, but you may not be able to fully understand it. Here are 10 interesting facts about gold that you might not know before.

1. Gold is probably the first metal that prehistoric humans had processed.
The age of the gold jewelry which archaeologist found in Bulgaria can date back to 4000 BC. So, the Age of gold emerged just overlapped with the Stone Age.

2. The 7th century BC, gold wire was used to install false tooth by Italian dentist.
Since the early 16th century, gold filling was recommended for filling the cavity.

3. In Aztec, gold is written as “teocuitlatl”, which means “Gold’s shit”.

4. Gold with high ductility and malleability. With casting, a piece of one ounce of gold can be turned into five millionths inch thick semi-transparent gold. Or can be stretched to fifty miles long and five microns in diameter, equivalent to one-tenth of the diameter of a hair.

5. The precious metal also has the characteristics of difficult to destroy. From ancient times to the present, it has been said that “Gold has its price.”  So we can recycle them. All the gold discovered in the past, eighty-five percent are still in use today.

6. Outside the lunar module of the United States “Apollo ” airship was coated with gold foil, with the aim to protect astronauts from radiation.
Even now, the helmet worn by astronauts is still coated with a thin gold membrane to protect astronaut’s eyes from intense light.

7. The methods of refining gold will destroy the environment in some extent. Gold mine will dumped a lot of cyanide into the ditch, and pour the nitrogen oxides and sulfur oxides into the air.

8. In gold reserve, the United States ranks first in the world. However, if included the gold ornaments, then India will grab the top spot, twenty percent of the gold used as decoration in the world, were used in Indian saris.

9. On the surface of the Earth, the greatest concentration of gold is in ocean, it’s estimated at around one hundred million tons. Unfortunately, so far no one has found an effective method to extract gold from the ocean.

10. However, compared with the gold reserves in space, that is dwarfed. According to the data of NEAR airship sent back in 1999. The amount of gold at one planet of “Eros” is more than the sum of that has ever been mined on the earth. Regrettably, we don’t know how to mine the gold in space.

Author: Vicky ChenChina Jewelry Wholesale

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Rezeki 2013

Alhamdulillah, akhirnya dapat memegang 10 dirham perak (walaupun bukan sendiri punya)

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